The Fall is a series of painting based on the poem “Pull My Daisy” co-written by the Beatniks, Allan Ginsberg. Jack Kerouac and Neal Cassady in the form of an exquisite corpse. Each painting illustrates a verse of the poem through the lens of architectural elements and design. The question of rhythm and interruption is central to both the text and its transcription into images. Close-ups of interiors, saturated with regular patterns are disrupted by evocative elements. Referring to the philosophy of the Beat Generation, its search for a rupture with a conformist society and a time stifled by restrictions, through the satisfaction of immediate desires and impulses.

27 paintings, 2021-2023, oil on canvas, 14x11 inches

Pull My Daisy

Tip My Cup

All My Doors Are Open

Cut my thoughts

For Coconuts

All my eggs are broken

Jack my Arden

Gate my shades

Woe my road is spoken

Silk my garden

Rose my days

Now my prayers awaken

Bone my shadow

Dove my dream

Start my halo bleeding

Milk my mind &

Make me cream

Drink me when you’re ready

Hop my heart on

Harp my height

Seraphs hold me steady

Hip my angel

Hype my light

Lay it on the needy




Orgone Accumulator